From Russia, with Love

Chemers Gallery was thrilled to see our friend and treasured artist, John Sawyer, and his lovely wife, Olga, who were recently visiting from Russia! The couple makes the journey from their current home in Tolyatti, Russia about once a year for a dose of California sunshine, artistic inspiration, and cherished time with friends and family.

John’s passion for oil painting hasn’t waned in the harsh, Russian winters! He spends his days creating scenes from his California home, experimenting with different colors and compositions. Most canvases depict familiar Orange County vistas of Peters Canyon, Irvine Park and Cedar Grove Canyon. His signature style of impressionistic scenery edged in black is reminiscent of Gustave Baumann. Expressive foliage and cloud formations draw John’s audience into his array of canvases and speak to the quintessential Orange County landscape experience.

John regularly updates Chemers Gallery through emails and photographs. His pictures of snow start much earlier than you’d imagine, usually while we’re still in the midst of the autumn heat! During the warmer summer months, John and Olga spend time at Olga’s family’s dacha in the local countryside, tending the fruit trees and vegetables that grow on the property.

When he’s ready to leave Russia with his newest creations, John travels hours to the appropriate Russian government offices with his artwork so they can verify he’s not removing national treasures from the country. With official documentation in hand, John is free to transport his paintings to California, to the delight of his loyal following. John has been a busy guy, because right now Chemers Gallery has nearly TWENTY new paintings!

Seeing is believing, and we think you simply must see John’s paintings in person.
Preview online, or come in to view the newest works from OUR national treasure!

Enjoying the snowy Russian winter!