Tag Archives: contemporary jewelry

heARTfelt thanks!

Presenting The heART of Orange County All Media Juried Exhibition 2024 Award Winners! Everyone has a pART in making this exhibit a tremendous success – from the  artists to our … Read More »

A Big Thank You to the Metal Arts Society of Southern California (MASSC)!

Thank you so much to the artists and attendees of this year’s Mystery Metal Challenge! It was great to see so many familiar and new faces. Chemers Gallery is honored to … Read More »

Thank you from the bottom of our heART!

Thank you to our artists and supporters for putting your heARTs into this exhibition! We are very lucky to have such a fabulous community and the opportunity to celebrate it! … Read More »

Thank you from the bottom of our heART!

Thank you to our artists and supporters for making this exhibition so full of heART! We are very proud to have such a wonderful community and the opportunity to have … Read More »

Save the Date! The 2021 Holiday Artisan Faire is jingling on its way!

Click the artisans’ name for some of their handicraft! Michelene Berkey  |  Krista Bermeo  | Joanna Craft  |  Deanna Deeds Mary Hammond | Beth Marx | Lisa Mertins  |  Elizabeth Nadler  Monique … Read More »

Thank you from the bottom of our heART!

Thank you to our artists and supporters for making this exhibition so full of heART! We are so proud to have such a wonderful community and the opportunity to have … Read More »

Save the Date! 2020 Holiday Artisan Faire is ON!!

Click the artisans’ name to some of their handicraft! Michelene Berkey  |  Krista Bermeo  |  Suzanne Currie Joanna Craft  |  Deanna Deeds  |  Beth Marx Lisa Mertins  |  Betty Nadler  … Read More »